What is the Autoimmune Protocol?

The Autoimmune Protocol is an elimination diet that has been specifically designed to help those suffering from autoimmunity determine their food allergies and sensitivities, reverse nutrient deficiencies, balance gut flora, and heal their bodies over the long-term. The protocol, otherwise known as “The Paleo Approach” has been developed and refined by Dr. Sarah Ballantyne, and is outlined in detail in her book The Paleo Approach. We believe this is the best and most specific elimination protocol for those with autoimmune disease, and following it gives you the best chance to come up with your personalized healing diet.

In a nutshell, the Autoimmune Protocol calls for removing foods that are most likely to be problematic for people with autoimmune disease—grains, beans, legumes, dairy, eggs, nuts, seeds, nightshades, as well as food chemicals and additives. In addition, nutrient-dense foods are added to restore nutrient status, such as bone broth, high-quality meat and wild-caught fish, as well as organ meats, fermented foods and a wide variety of fruits and vegetables. Over the course of the elimination phase (which can last from a month to a year), you take note of the changes you experience in your health. When it comes time to slowly and systematically reintroduce foods, you will be able to tell exactly which foods are holding you back, and able to use this information to construct a diet that will best support your healing needs.

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Why is the Autoimmune Protocol an ideal starting point?

You may wonder why the Autoimmune Protocol is an ideal starting point for increased wellness, when there are so many other approaches out there. It really comes down to three things:


It removes foods that may trigger an immune response, are harmful to the gut, and lead to hormone dysregulation.

Autoimmune disease is all about an immune system that has gone awry. The Autoimmune Protocol provides us with a clean slate.


It restores nutrients and flora that promote a healthy gut and well-regulated immune function.

Micronutrient deficiencies are common in autoimmune disease. The Autoimmune Protocol restores us.


It provides a framework for building a life-long diet exactly suited to you.

There is no one-size-fits-all diet. The Autoimmune Protocol empowers us.

There is a wellness revolution underway–thousands of autoimmune sufferers have taken the plunge and learned how to live better despite chronic illness!


By signing up for our newsletter, you get access to our AIP Quick Start Series, which includes the following free resources:

  • Printable lists of the foods to eat and foods to avoid while on the elimination dietIcon
  • Printable two-week meal plan including recipes and shopping lists
  • A 90 minute batch cooking video where Mickey shows you how to prep for the elimination diet
  • A practical tips video where Angie talks about achieving balance, resisting temptation, and body image
  • Printable e-guides on food reintroductions and food reactions

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